Athamanika mountain range, aka Tzoumerka

Athamanika mountain range, aka Tzoumerka

We visited the mountain range of Athamanika, or mostly known as Tzoumerka, at north west Greece. Athamnika is part of the wider Pindus mountain range. A place of great historical importance from ancient time to today.

The highest summit of the range is Kakarditsa 2,429m and there are many more peaks over 2,000m.

We chose a round route in which we crossed the peak of Kriakoura. In order to reach the peak must ascend the ridge which needs attention at the exposed parts. As the altitude changes the flora changes as well. At the lower parts there are forests of Plane trees, Oaks and Firs and closer to the peak there is Alpine vegetation. The inaccessibility of the area makes it an ideal wild life refuge in which the animals can freely move around. If someone is “fortunate” enough can come across with wolfs and bears.